written by Lina
is an essential ingredient in our envirment. It communicates emotion, creates
mood, and affects your energy. Color has an emotional impact that can delight
you or distress you. It is almost impossible to separate the seeing of
color from the "feeling of color" because so much of what you see is based
on what you feel. Colors evoke both pleasant and unpleasant emotions. Your
reaction to a particular color will be influenced by your personal experiences.
Certain colors will remind you of certain people and events. You may associate
colors with certain scents.
Vivid colors
stimulate people to activity. Color has been known to increase productivity
in industry, to speed recovery time in hospitals, to cause you to overeat.
The passage of time can be over or underestimated depending on the
color of a room. Time is perceived as moving more slowly in a red room
and more quickly in a blue or green one.
red represents nearness and warmth; blue distance and coolness. The
eye actually sees more warm colors than it does cool. Light bright
colors expand size while dark cool colors contract. Colors that get
our attention the fastest are the ones at the warm end of the spectrum.
Preferences and Personality
Read further
to discover what your color preferences tell about your personality.
Like You have a zest for life. You
are an achiever, competitive, daring and aggressive. Red people are
exciting, and passionate. They want all life has to offer and they
usually want it now! They are extroverted and often the life of the
party. Since you crave so much excitement however, routine can drive
you crazy. You are restless, opinionated and not very patient. While
you seek out opinions of others and listen politely, you tend to
do whatever you please. You are an exciting person to be with.
Dislike You dislike aggression and intensity.
People who are irritable, ill, exhausted or overwhelmed with stress reject
red and turn to cooler calmer colors for rest and rejuvenation You tend to
be self protective.
Like Pink people are interested
in the world but not as driven as red people. They are charming talented
and probably romantic. Friendly and sweet with a tendency to be innocent
and a little naive Pinks don't wear their emotions on their sleeves.
Dislike Few people dislike pink. If you
do maybe you are looking for excitement in your life and pink is just too
Likes You are highly optimistic,
original, imaginative, idealistic, creative and spiritual. You love
challenge and are interested in everything. You are a reliable friend
and confidant and usually have a sunny disposition. You can be egotistical
but also very generous with your time and talents. Being shy, you
may appear aloof to others. You can be impatient with other's ideas
but you possess a great deal of empathy. Yellow people tend to be
Dislikes You are practical and down to earth
and critical of those who are not. You are skeptical of new ideas and would
rather stick to the tried and true. Guaranteed results are important to you.
Likes Orange people take on the
characteristics of both yellow and red people. Lovers of this color
work hard, are adventurous and enthusiastic. You are a good-natured,
extroverted people person. You can be charming and agreeable. Oranges
are determined and successful in business, however they tend to be
fickle and don't take on commitments readily. They aren't very good
housekeepers but that is unimportant to them.
Dislikes The flamboyant does not appeal
to you. You are the stay at home type, a loner who prefers a few good friends
to many acquaintances. You dislike show offs. When you make a friend it is
usually for life.
Likes Stable and reliable and responsible,
you have a keen sense of duty. Browns love comfort and simplicity,
hearth and home. With a subtle sense of humor you are frugal, loyal
and have strong opinions. You will work hard to correct an unfair
situation. You like to be in control of your self and your surroundings.
Family is important to you and you have a strong need for security
and belonging.
Dislikes Novelty excites you and routine
drives you to drink. You are witty and generous. You like outgoing exciting
people and dislike commitments.
Like Beige people have the same
characteristics as brown but not to the same extreme. You are warm
and caring and appreciate quality and well made things. You opinions
are middle of the road. You are well adjusted and practical.
Dislike You hate routine. You are less impulsive
than a person who dislikes brown but have many of the same characteristics.
Like Stable and balanced, you are
a good citizen, the president of the PTA, a Girl Scout Leader. Kind,
generous, meticulous, you are involved in everything. Green people
are concerned with doing the right thing and like to be admired.
You are loyal and caring, intelligent and easily grasp new concepts.
Not a risk taker, you prefer to stick with the tried and true. You
have a tendency to gossip and love food. You are at home in any social
Dislike You are more likely to pull away
from people than to join them. Doing what everyone else is doing holds no
appeal for you, you prefer to be an individual.
Like Blue is the most universally
preferred color. Blue people are cool and confident, yet vulnerable.
You are trusting and form strong attachments. You are sensitive to
the needs of others and aspire to harmony, serenity, patience and
peace. While you are sociable you would rather stick to your own
close circle of friends. Blue people are generally conservative,
reliable and even-tempered. You have perfectionist tendencies that
may make you demanding.
Dislike Needing to break away from sameness
that bores you, you long for excitement. You may be tired of being depended
on but your conscience makes you stay. Deep blues may symbolize sadness and
melancholy to you. You are restless and eager for change.
Like Neat to the point of fussiness
you are always well groomed and your home immaculate. You are sensitive,
sophisticated and self-assured and usually stable. Blue greens are
courteous and charming and helpful to others. You like to dress up
to get the attention and admiration of others.
Dislike As messy as you'd like to be, a
little voice keeps telling you to clean up your room. You would like to relax
more and not be so detail oriented. You prefer earthy types to fussy people.
Likes The purple person is perplexing
and highly creative with a quick perception of spiritual ideas. Artists
and unconventional thinkers often prefer purple. Generous and charming
you are very sensitive and easily hurt. You have a tendency to be
vane and moody. Purple people are easy to live with but hard to know.
You can be secretive and often have conflicting traits.
Dislike You need sincerity honesty and lack
of pretence in your life. You don't like to get involved unless you know
what you are getting into. You usually exercise good judgement.
Like You like to be considered different.
You are quick-witted but usually not intellectual. You seek refinement
in life. In your world, there is no ugliness and sordid things are
ignored. Outward appearances are important to you and you have a
sense of delicacy. You are sentimental, romantic, and nostalgic.
You aspire to creativity and are encouraging of your artistic friends.
Dislike You have a no nonsense approach
to life. You live in the present and don't keep much memorabilia around.
You prefer that people be straightforward with you rather than coy. You don't
like superficiality and let people know it.
Like You are neutral about life
and tend to protect yourself from stress. You prefer a secure, safe,
balanced life. You crave contentment but not excitement Practical
and calm, compromise comes easily to you. You work hard and are conservative,
composed, and reliable.
Dislike You would rather be right or wrong
but never indifferent. Routine bores you and you look for a richer fuller
life. This often leads you to one involvement or hobby or interest after
another looking for fulfillment.
Like Dependable, warm and caring
you try not to let too much excitement into your life. You are fair,
practical and diplomatic. You like classic looks in clothing and
Dislike You are not subtle and feel the
need to make definite statement in life.
Like Rarely chosen as a favorite, the
person who chooses black may have many conflicting attitudes. You
are conventional, conservative and serious. People who like black
are worldly, sophisticated and dignified. You like to have an air
of mystery about you. You are witty and clever. Personal security
and prestige are important to you
Dislike You
dislike mystery. You like real people and are not dazzled by celebrities
or dignitaries.
Like Your
home and clothes are usually neat and clean. A thrifty person, you
are a cautious buyer and shrewd trader. You are self-sufficient, critical
and fussy. You like everything to be perfect or as near to perfect
as you can get it.
Dislike You
have never been obsessed with order. Things that are off center are
more appealing to you than things that are perfectly arranged in a
line. A little dust on the shelves doesn't really bother you and you
are relaxed and easy to be with.
and Physiology
Color effects
us physically. Different colors cause reactions in our bodies and minds.
Interestingly both blind and sighted subjects were equally effected
by color changes.
Red is stimulating
and blue calming. Bright red and yellow increase blood pressure and
muscle tension. People feel warmer in a red room and cooler in a blue
room of the same temperature. Blue rooms decrease blood pressure and
lessen aggressive feelings. Studies have shown an increase in fertility
in blue rooms.
values of pink have different effects on peoples emotions: light dull
pinks cause calmness and decreased pulse while the deeper pinks have
the opposite effect.
is an appetite stimulant. Peaches brick and coral colors have a slightly
less stimulating effect than bright orange. Brown also stimulates appetite
especially when combined with peach or strawberry pink. Violet depresses
Color Quiz
The purpose
of this quiz is to help you examine your thoughts about color and to
open yourself to new color choices.
Under Color
Association, quickly write down the first thing that comes to mind.
Be honest now, don't go back and change your answers! Under Reactions
write like, dislike or don't know.
Color |
Association |
Reaction |
Blue |
Navy |
Blue |
Lavender |
Purple |
Yellow |
Orange |
Peach |
Red |
pink |
Pink |
Wine |
Brown |
Rust |
Green |
Green |
Green |
Teal |
Aqua |
White |
Black |
Grey |
Beige |
Taupe |
country were you raised in?
What area
of the world are your parents from?
List your
favorite colors?
List the
colors you dislike?
Look over
your answers in the reaction column.
Total up
the number of likes_______ Dislikes_______ Don't know_______ Mostly
If so then
you have a generally positive attitude to colors. You are enthusiastic,
well-adjusted, flexible and open to new experiences. If the pattern
says use blue and you don't feel like painting that area blue you
have no problem changing the color.
dislikes? You tend to be conservative, opinionated, and have a hard
time changing colors from the pattern. Perhaps someone criticized
you in your choice of colors in art class or you were always comparing
yourself to a more talented sibling.
don't know? Maybe you haven't played around with color yet or haven't
given color preferences much thought. Perhaps you are indecisive
in other areas of your life. Now is the time to take the plunge and
experiment to find out what colors you do like. What colors do you
find easiest to work with? You may wonder what it would be like to
deviate from the colors someone else has chosen but you are afraid
to make a mistake.
divided between like, dislike and don't know? You need a little encouragement
to experiment with color combinations.
Let's take
a look at the Associations column. Your answers to color association
can usually be explained by events in your past. If you react negatively
to a certain color try to remember what happened in your past to
cause that reaction. You can overcome your color prejudice by associating
something a positive with that color now.
I really
don't like bright yellow. This wasn't always the case. In fact as
a teenager I loved it. I loved it so much in fact that I painted
the walls of my room a color close to Cadmium Yellow Medium. Was
it bright! Everyone who visited my room commented on the color. A
year of looking at those walls and hearing those comments was enough
to turn me off that color for years. To this day I can only stand
yellow in small doses.
It is fun
to think about the positive color associations as well. Deep burgundy
is a favorite of mine. It was the color of the carpet my favorite
aunt's living room. The color always makes me feel happy and warm.
What are
your color memories?
Many color
associations are rooted in religion or mystical symbolism. Some are
derived from primitive responses to color. The following chart is
what many people associate with a certain color. You can use it when
you want to evoke a certain mood in your paintings.
Color |
Positive |
Negative |
Blue ,Navy |
conservative, nautical, uniforms, service, night, rest, quiet,
dependable, consoling |
Blue |
cool, wet, ice, hope, peace, serenity, new day |
Lavender |
nostalgic |
aging |
Purple |
mystical, artistic |
melancholy, endurance, penitence, suffering |
Yellow |
friendly, sunny, cheerful, symbol of life and good, life-
giving |
cowardly |
Orange |
heat, harvest sunset |
overbearing |
Peach |
inviting, ripe, juicy |
Red |
fiery, passionate, energy, active, aggression, love |
blood, danger, stop |
pink |
sweet, tender |
overly sweet |
Pink |
attention getting |
cheap |
Wine |
elegant, refined |
Brown |
dependable, secure, masculine, chocolate |
boring, decay |
Rust |
sunset |
decayed |
Green |
moist, grassy, eternal, new life, victory |
inexperience, money, greed |
Green |
refreshing, natural, restful, life giving |
Green |
woodsy |
illness, army |
Teal |
clear |
Aqua |
refreshing, ocean |
weak |
White |
cool, clean, pure, innocent, simple |
surrender |
Black |
sexy, dignified, serious, mysterious, concealment |
depressing, death, danger, foreboding, evil |
Grey |
practical, neutral, wisdom, dependable |
somber, mousy |
Beige |
neutral, classical |
lifeless |
Taupe |
practical, neutral |
lifeless |
and Ethnicity
The region
of the world that our ancestors come from and the color traditions
passed down through the generations influences our color preferences.
Rural Europeans
prefer pure bright color.
Latinos like warm colors.
Scandinavians prefer blues.
English prefer cool colors.
African and people from the Tropics have an affinity for pure, bright, warm
Russians associate red with social order and beauty.
Hindus associate red with life and joy.
In China and Bolivia red is worn at weddings to denote joy and love.
and Climate
We often
choose colors to decorate our homes that are close in temperature
to the ambient temperature of our environment.
In the
US warm colors are preferred in the West, Southwest and South. Cool
colors are favored in the Northwest, Midwest and East. However, color
preferences do change with temperature extremes. If it is hot (over
100 degrees Celsius, most people prefer cool blues. If the temperature
is in the 60s or cooler, red is the first choice.
Color is
a powerful force in our lives, especially for artists. Color affects
our minds and bodies; it can change our moods and feelings. Surround
yourself with colors that you like. Being unhappy in your surroundings
leads to frustration and even weight gain! Don't try to stifle your
creativity and basic feelings about a color, you won't be able to
fool yourself for long.
Till next
is written by Lina